Compensation Plan

Compensation Plan & Incentives
To join us as team ,you are required to enrol yourself as a member by paying ONE time registration fees cost only RM 88. NO renewal fees or annual fee required. For the RM88 package, here is what you will get:
Particular RM
Onelife XOX Sim card 10
Mobile Airtime 30
1800 free SMS 90
Member Fee 50
Total Value 180
This means that by paying RM88, you will get package value RM180. it is definetely no brainer wonderful business you ever have
As our member, you are entitled to many different income and incentives as below:

1. Retail Profit
Every Starter Pack you sold (cost RM88) you will earn 17% (RM15). After 12 midnight everday, our system will auto cash the commision into your e-wallet cash. You can use the e-cash to reload yourself, transfer to other’s agent or transfer to your own bank.
Eg. if you sold 5 packs, the total retail profit that you will get is (5 x RM 15) RM 75.

2. Personal Sales incentives
Your Personal sales incentives is calculated based on the starter pack you sold and your personal reload. The formula to calculate your incentives point as below:
Total personal Sales/40=PV

For example,
If you sell 1 sim pack cost (RM 88), the calculation will be as below:
RM 88/40= 2 PV (RM 8 carry forward for next calculation)
If you reload RM 50 to your phone,
RM 50/40= 1 PV (RM 10 carry forward)

Please be reminded that your PV value will be vary depending on our company whole group performance. In generally our point value ranging from RM0.5 to RM2, and the point/value will be counted daily after 12 midnight. Let say the point value during the day is 1PV= RM1,
If you have 1000 PV on hand, the income that you will get is RM 1000.
Let say the point value during the day is 1PV= RM2,
If you have 1000 PV on hand, the income that you will get is RM 2000.

3. Group Sales Incentives
Group sales incentive is your very powerful passive income source. To achieve this incentive, you must be promoted from agent to Group leader with minimum sold 5 of the starter pack (or have at least 5 team members in your group). There are 4 ranking as below:
Ranking Group Sales Level Requirement Maximum Income (per day)
no limit
Group Leader
Group Sales/100=PV
5 team members
RM 100/day
Group Manager
Group Sales/150=PV
3 team members promoted to group leader
RM 300/day
Agency Manager
Group Sales/200=PV
3 Group Leaders promoted to group manager
RM 1500/day
Agency Director
Group Sales/250=PV
3 Group Manager promoted to Agency manager
RM 3500/day
To further exaplain, if you are joining us as member by paying RM 88, you are automatically categorized as "Agent" ranking. You can have unlimited retail profitand personal sales incentive. However, you will not entitled to group sales incentives until you are promoted to "Group Leader".
From agent, you will be promoted "Group Leader" position if you successfully refer 5 of your friends to join as your members.
To illustrate the good potential income of group sales incentives, please see the following: thi is assuming that everyone of your group refer 5 of their friends to join us in a month.
Month 1 – 5 friends
Month 2 – 25 friends
Month 3 – 125 friends
Month 4 – 625 friends
Month 5 – 3125 friends
Month 6 – 15625 friends
Month 7- 78125 friends
Total: 97655
Let’s do some counting after 7 month
Total Agents under YOU = 97,655 people
Let say round up 90,000, and each members reload RM30
90,000 x RM30 = RM2,700,000 (group sales)
When you reach this level, you are promoted to "Agency Director"
Therefore, the formula is Group Sales/250=PV
RM2,700,000 / 250 = 10,800 points
Let say 1 point = RM1
So 10,800 points x RM1 = RM10800
You are doing nothing but you are earning 5 figure income every month continuosly when your group top up.
However, this is not the end of the story....
The mobile market will be keep growing while your income level is infinity....
You can earn potentially earn RM 3500 per day and build your perpetual income stream.....

4. Stockist Commision (optional)
As our member, you can be earn our stockist commision when you purchase our products or top up in bulk.
Mobile Stockiest
Starter pack
10 Packs
RM 84/ pack
50 Packs
RM 83/pack
100 packs
RM 81/pack

Mobile Stockiest (RM)
Reload Stock %
Total (RM)

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